Window on Science & Technology

An enormous amount of quality publications are continuously produced by the science system and by international organisations. Citeulike is a great tool to keep oversight and do something meaningful in the short attention span that non-experts (can) spend with many of these publications.

The content of the wikiworx components builds in some or another way on much of the work listed in citeulike groups. Author and tag clouds support focussed searching. The citeulike tag clouds do also include the tags or topic areas addressed in the wikiworx components.

Ongoing Commitment to Identify and Link External Resources

On a continuous basis, as details on new publications are received, new bibliographic information is checked into the citeulike groups, and linked to tags as explained at Page Tags.

Opportunity for Contributing as a Smallholder

Contributing to the improved provision of knowledge commons is only a few clicks away. Particularly for researchers, citeulike-groups offer an easy and efficient way of contributing to knowledge commons in their research field. Join citeulike at , and become member of any group that fits your interest.

Practitioners may find guidance in publications, including those from international agencies such as the World Bank, FAO, UNDP.

Any member of the public could contribute to the knowledge commons by checking that papers or reports pertinent to a development topic are already include in suitable groups at CiteULike.